
By registering on the forums, you agree to follow the rules.

1. Use common sense

No reasonable rule system can cover every single possibility. Exercise common sense and critical thinking. The forums will not tolerate creative malice.

2. You must be at least 16 years old to register

The forums set an age requirement for compliance with data processing laws in various jurisdictions. Sixteen years old is high enough to comply with most national laws on age regulations and helps "future-proof" the rules. This rule functions on an honour system since the forums do not vet users in this manner nor require a date of birth.

3. Communicate in English

A common language is necessary to ensure all communications comply with the forums' rules. English is a widely used language. All users must use English on the forums — including in private messages.

4. Present yourself honestly

Do not attempt to impersonate others or provide false information about yourself. Genuine understanding requires honesty. Just be your reasonable self.

5. Refrain from anti-social behaviour

Your behaviour should, at the very least, not intend to cause harm. Extend basic courtesy and respect to other users. Do not harass, threaten, or endanger others on the forums.

6. Defend others' privacy and your account's security

No one needs your password, not even staff. Under no circumstances may you post social security numbers, passwords, credit card numbers, or other strictly confidential information. Do not share information that incites or enables harassment.

7. Respect intellectual property rights

Do not infringe upon the copyrights or trademarks of others — as per American and Canadian law. Only submit content you own the rights to or have permission to. All content available on the forums belongs to their rightful owners.

8. Keep pornography off the forums

The forums are not the place for pornographic content. Do not upload or link to pornography. Keep your avatar, signature, and username decent — it should lack sexually provocative content.

9. Stay on topic

Keep the focus of discussions on the topic of the thread. Do not post threads that are out of topic with the board. The forums are meant for topics concerning itself and Schizoid Nightmares' works only.

10. Obey instructions from staff

Obey all instructions you receive from staff — provided doing so is lawful. To see a list of current staff, please view this post. Give priority to higher-ranked staff (those listed at the top) and newer instructions.
