
  1. schizoidnightmares

    Examples of abuse and mistreatment by staff

    Staff should treat users fairly, with equal opportunity to participate based on merit. However, as staff are people and therefore imperfect, they (including myself) may make mistakes, leading to mistreating users. Whether intentional or not, staff should avoid (while taking common sense into...
  2. schizoidnightmares

    User discipline

    The forums discipline users who violate the rules using warnings, exclusions, and in severe or habitual cases — bans. Warnings Whenever staff find a user guilty of violating a rule, they issue them a warning. Each warning adds a certain number of warning points to the offender's account for a...
  3. schizoidnightmares


    Current User Title Group Function Appointment @schizoidnightmares Founder (2023/11/26–present) Administrators (2023/11/26–present) Benevolent dictator for life (2023/11/26–present) Self-appointed Appointments
  4. schizoidnightmares


    After registering, an administrator must approve your account before it becomes active. This process will usually take 1–3 days. You can contact me here if you've been waiting longer or are impatient.