User discipline

The forums discipline users who violate the rules using warnings, exclusions, and in severe or habitual cases — bans.


Whenever staff find a user guilty of violating a rule, they issue them a warning. Each warning adds a certain number of warning points to the offender's account for a definite or indefinite period. Some violations have a statute of limitations (i.e. generally only punished if committed and observable within the last X number of days) to discourage "grave-digging" past misdeeds.

ViolationRelevant ruleWarning pointsExpirationStatute of limitations
Failed to communicate in English3. Communicate in English190 days30 days
Failed to stay on topic9. Stay on topic390 days30 days
Failed to respect intellectual property rights7. Respect intellectual property rights5180 days90 days
Failed to obey staff's instructions10. Obey instructions from staff5365 days30 days
Failed to use common sense1. Use common sense5365 days90 days
Failed to be civilized5. Refrain from anti-social behaviour5365 days180 days
Failed to stay appropriate8. Keep pornography off the forums10IndefiniteNone
Failed to be at least 16 years old2. You must be at least 16 years old to register10IndefiniteNone
Failed to be honest4. Present yourself honestly10IndefiniteNone
Failed to respect privacy6. Defend others' privacy and your account's security10IndefiniteNone


Excluded users cannot participate in the forums (i.e. cannot post, upload attachments, change their profile, vote on polls, edit posts, etc.). The forums exclude any user with at least ten warning points. Unlike a ban, an exclusion does not prevent the user from accessing the forums using their account.


When the forums ban a user, it prohibits them from participation and access. The forums reserve this punishment only for severe or habitual offenders. Summarily, the forums will also ban suspected bots or ban evaders.


Users may appeal warnings, exclusions, and bans through the contact form. Please do this if you believe an administrator or moderator has made a mistake in judgement or you are genuinely sorry for the violation. Except in extreme cases, I am generally inclined to forgive past transgressions provided the offender demonstrates they understand what they did wrong and are committed to not making the same mistake.
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